How to create a blog

How to Create a WordPress Blog

I started my blog using the WordPress platform and I have found it a great technology to publish your content online.

A WordPress theme provides flexibility and customisation features that Facebook could never provide.

How to Setup a WordPress Blog in 5 Minutes

It is the foundation to the success of this blog which currently receives over 300,000 hits per month.

If you’re looking for an easy way to create a web presence and start sharing your ideas online, the best way to do this is to create a blog. Millions of users around the world already express themselves and share their thoughts by means of their personal blogs.

The advantage of having your own WordPress blog that is self-hosted with your own domain name, is that you “own” it.

It is good to have a Facebook “page” or a Tumblr blog but they are owned by someone else and you can have a web presence there but under their “terms and conditions”

They are a rental. You never know when they will change the rules, ask you to leave or even demolish your house.

Build and Own your Online Assets

To build an online asset that you control and is fully flexible and can customise as you want then you need to own your domain with your own blog (website) and host it yourself.

If you are a writer, photographer, designer or just someone who wants to write about something personal and to hear opinions of others – a personal blog is something you can find new and exciting. Cheap and efficient, too. In the modern day, no special knowledge is required to create and maintain your own website. Actually there is a simple way of creating a WordPress blog in a matter of minutes.

In order to start a website, regardless of its nature and purpose, you need two things: a domain name and hosting.

WebHostingBuzz are a hosting company that can provide both. Most of WebHosting Buzz’s hosting plans come with free domain name registration, so that you don’t have to worry about one or another and get everything in one place, and at an excellent price.

Why WordPress?

The WordPress blogging platform is the most popular software in the world with Wikipedia reporting

  • WordPress is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internet’s “top 1 million” websites
  • It manages 22% of all new websites
  • WordPress is currently the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in use on the Internet
  • It was first released on May 27, 2003
  • By December 2011, version 3.0 had been downloaded over 65 million times

It is also one of the easiest to use due to its flexibility and user-friendliness.

So how do you install it in less than 5 minutes and start blogging?

Step One

Sign up with WebHostingBuzz at this link. You will receive a welcome email with control panel login details.

Webhostingbuzz start page


Step Two

Just click on the login link provided in the email and use the supplied credentials to login to cPanel.

How to blog in 5 minutes - Cpanel

Step Three

Once you are logged in, you will see the cPanel home page; just scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and you will see WordPress available for installation right from the control panel. Click on the icon.

Installing WordPress

Step Four

The screen below will now appear and you only need to click “Install”.

Install WordPress in 5 mins

Step Five

Although not necessary, you may want to specify some settings of your blog, such as its name, the site or the folder of your site to which it will be installed and the admin username and password. If you wish the WordPress blog to be the main page of your website, make sure the ‘In Directory’ field is empty.

Easy way to Install WordPress

Take note of the admin login credentials, you will need them later. Also, make sure the admin email is valid and you have access to it. In case you forget the password, the link to reset the password will be sent to this address.

Step Six

When you are ready, click ‘Install’. The installation process is quick and takes under 60 seconds in most cases. Once it’s complete, your new blog is ready to use and you may visit it right away.

Install WordPress in 60 seconds

You will be greeted with the default WordPress page.

Default WordPress Blog

Now, let’s create your first blog post.

Step Seven

Scroll down and click on the ‘Log in’ in the right menu bar to access the admin area. The dashboard should look like this:

Hover over “New” and click on “Post” in the drop down menu that appears.

Creating your first blog post

Step Eight

Enter the title for the article/post and then enter the text below that headline. You may already have an article you have written in “Word” or a text editor which you can paste (insert) using the . When happy with what you have written then it is time to publish.

Click ‘Publish’ in order for your post to appear on the site.

Your blog is now “live” and visible for all to see.

Step Nine

Customising the appearance of your WordPress blog can be done to suit your personal tastes.This is not necessary but I am sure that eventually you will want to make it suit the topic you will be blogging about whether it is photography, food or sport.

This can be done in ‘Appearance’ section of the admin menu. Hundreds of free themes and widgets are available there which will allow you to make your site look completely different and unique. Browse through them and you will surely find something useful.

Customizing and adding themes for your WordPress blog


Get Started Now!

The journey starts with doing, not thinking or over planning.

Stanley Kubrick gave this advice to aspiring filmmakers: “Get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all.”* The most important thing is to just “do it”.

So start your blog and create your online masterpiece now.

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